My grandma is very unique to me so as her quince jam recipe . She is the big part of my childhood and she is like a mum. Even if she has a modern life she always enjoyed herself gardening. The city I born has a good temperature so it is so convenient for most kind of herbs, fruits and vegetables. In her big garden she had orange trees, lemon trees, plum trees and medlar trees also almost all kind of herbs and vegetables. When we want an orange juice or want to make a salad all we need to do is go and grab it. She also has a big land for grapes and another one for quince.
Here is her old school style of quince jam recipe I grew up enjoying. There is a lot of recipes out there but I don’t want to lose this taste which reminds me my childhood. Also it is so easy to cook with only 4 ingredients
Very easy huh! I love you grandma…